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  • kootenpv/whereami | A tool to train/test device location based on wi-fi signal strength and machine learning

  • 3D printed mirror array | Project shapes by focusing sunlight with mirrors precisly with planning and 3d printing

  • SAPI4 | Web interface for Microsoft Sam & friends written in C & D (vibe-d)

  • Nitter | A free and open source alternative Twitter front-end focused on privacy.

  • adrianscheff/useful-sed | Useful sed tips, techniques and tricks for daily usage.

  • Awesome Piracy | Collection of links related to piracy

  • Beehive | An event/agent automation system

  • ArchiveBox | A tool to archive websites

  • Microsoft Activation Scripts | A collection of scripts to activate Microsoft products

  • Netmaker | Automate creation of wireguard networks

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